Proff-High 3-fic Lacquer 2k

Proff-High 3-fic Lacquer 2k can be used everywhere on floors of all types – also oak. It can be used everywhere, where the ultimate floor varnish with all the good abilities and advances is wanted. Some of the advantages are the water- and chemical resistance, the fact that it is resistant towards the daily traffic and that it will not take black lines from shoes and wheeling chairs. The varnish is very resistant against scratches and has fantastic wearing abilities. Remember netgrinding and carrying out spot tests.

PROFF-Heavy 3-fic is used in schools, sports centers, airports, dancing floors , stairs and so forth.


Proff-High 3-fic Lacquer 2k is used for indoor varnishing of newly and previously treated wood, like parquet floor, panels, doors, stairs and so forth.

Proff-High 3-fic Lacquer 2k is a 2 component varnish that is activated by adding Proff Hardener in following mixture proportion: Hardener 0,4 and varnish 100. Is it very important that hardener and varnish are mixed very carelessly by adding the hardener to the varnish and shake thoroughly. Leave the mixture for app. 10 min. before use for the hardener to be activated. Proff Hardener is a newly developed and very efficient hardener free of isocyanates and more careful towards the user and the environment. Proff Hardener provides an extremely and extra strong 2 component varnish.

Disposal: Empty containers and product residue disposed of according to regional rules and regulations.

Declaration of content:

VOC content info:

Consumption: App. 8-12 m2 per liter, depending on wood condition

  • Storage: Keep in tightly closed original packaging. Do not expose to heat (e.g. sunlight). Store frost-free and out the reach of children.
  • Note!! Please always make a test coat on the surface for controlling the compatibility